Dutton’s Genealogy

PICT0097Would you love to know about your family history but lack the time to research it? Or have you been researching it and hit one of the dreaded ‘genealogical brick walls’? Either way, I can trace your family tree for you or help with your own research.

I have been researching my own family history since 1994 and have traced many family lines including, in some cases, to beyond 1066! I specialise in English genealogy and, in particular, Cheshire, Yorkshire, Hampshire, Dorset and London. However, I would be able to trace an English family history for you in any county where the records are available.

Please follow the links above to see my qualifications and experience.

If you are interested in finding out more about your ancestors then I look forward to hearing from you.

Email me at ecdutton (at) hotmail (dot) com and I’d be pleased to help you and let you know more about what I can offer.

I look forward to helping you discover your family’s past!

Edward Dutton

6 responses to “Dutton’s Genealogy

  1. Claire Russell

    Hi, I really enjoyed your “The world’s worst words” article in the Jan.2016 Family Tree magazine. Would you comment on the following in a Will: “and to my brother by the law, Matthew Ashley”. The testator was married to Elizabeth Ashley. Can I assume that he IS a brother in law? Thanks very much. Claire


  2. John N Dutton

    I’m a freeman of Chester and son great grandson of Albert Edger Dutton
    Who I believe was a sheriff of Chester and there was a painting of him in the guild hall many years ago.

    I do have a photo and some other information if it would be of Intrest

    My family ran the art gallery in Frodsham street Chester

    Got you details from the press about your book which I will be getting.


    John N Dutton


  3. Hi. It could mean step brother or brother in law. Depending on when the will was written and other background informo. Sorry for delay. I don’t check for comments very much


  4. Thanks for messaging me. I hope you enjoy my book. Best, Ed


  5. Neil

    Edward can you help us find our family tree please my sister has tried with no avail.


  6. By all means. Please email me at ecdutton at hotmail dot com


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